Many companies believe in the importance of diversity and inclusion within their organization. Studies have shown that a more diverse organization increases productivity, innovation, and profitability. Additionally, demographic trends show that the population is becoming more diverse, and many younger people entering the workforce vocalize their desire to thrive in a place that reflects the diversity they see in America today.
Even though research shows signs of improvement when it comes to diverse and inclusive organizations, many companies say they still struggle with retaining good talent while also welcoming new talent into their environment. To them, the task is daunting and cumbersome.
That’s why they hire us. Our clients trust us to provide strategic guidance on how to connect with people from all different backgrounds and all different walks of life. Our proven track record shows that we help clients achieve their diversity and inclusion goals. To that end, here are two strategies we use to help organizations build successful, inclusive communities.
Start with a Plan.
Just like with any goal, diversity and inclusion must be planned before organizations will see long-lasting results. Companies and organizations must set strategies with action steps that fit within the organization’s unique environment. These strategies are based on best practices in the industry and results from an internal cultural evaluation. The evaluation helps organizations better assess what gaps and barriers may prevent individuals from thriving within the organization.
Additionally, companies need metrics and accountability to keep track of milestones and opportunities for improvement. When organizations adopt their tailored plan, representatives from the entire organization participate in some way. This helps everyone feel some sort of ownership in the outcome, and people are more likely to implement a plan when they feel it is their product. Having a third party like us guide you through the process ensures success.
Facilitate Conversations.
Authentic conversations are also important in the diversity and inclusion process. These interactive sessions allow colleagues to learn more about each other in a respectful way while building trust and fostering relationships that may otherwise be difficult to attain. In these sessions, organizations learn the latest information regarding diversity and inclusion. They also learn how to identify microaggressions and stereotypes that hinder progress, while also learning ways to self-reflect and change unwanted behavior. Our experts facilitate these conversations with patience, empathy, and active listening skills.
We’re Here to Help.
At Gentry Locke Consulting, we empower people by staying connected, and we’d like to stay connected with you. Visit to learn more about how we can help you strategize the best diversity and inclusion methods for you and your stakeholders.